A glance at my wandering thoughts

Posts from the “I thought of it” Category

The Things I Love About Christmas

Posted on December 28, 2015

High-res version

I love Christmas Day. Sadly it’s over and it passed in the blink of an eye.  There are hundreds of things I love during the holiday season and one of them is not hitting the snooze button. I love it when I can enjoy few days of vacation. The anticipation of the big day has always been a race of thought in trying to recall the things I have completed in my to-do list. Yet, in spite of the hustle bustle, I still managed to enjoy the busyness of the Christmas season because after all, it is the most wonderful time of the year. We started the Christmas week with a handful of parties either with friends or at work.  I love it when my close circle of friends spends our annual Christmas group reunion together. As friends, we all agreed that we don’t need expensive gifts for each other. There are financially challenged families who would benefit the extra dollars we would spend for exchange gifts. So, we decided to reduce our price bracket and share the rest to them.  This year, one of our friends gave the idea of adopting a few families in one of the parishes in our diocese to be their secret Santas in the hope of uplifting the spirit of Christmas to those families.

That is not to say we’ll have a boring Christmas party; I love fun and to add excitement in our get-together, the ladies exchanged scarves and socks for the gents. We were able to enjoy the simple gift giving and a buffet brunch before heading to our Christmas caroling later that afternoon. It was a busy but rewarding day. I love it when mindfulness of the season through the gift of sharing has been accomplished.


Go Warriors!

It was flooding with socks and scarves 🙂


You can never go wrong with a scarf. I never had any specific Christmas scarf and this one will surely be used for many years to come.


Scarf, scarf!

Christmas day is for family; hence, the whole world generally celebrates with a big bang declaring it as an official holiday in most places since time immemorial. It is basically a break to spend time with your loved ones. Every year, my sister-in-law would invite my daughters with their cousins to spend a few days with her the day after Christmas. It has been her traditional annual bonding moments with them.

We have an empty nest for at least a couple of days while kids stay with their aunt. Last night, the hubs and I have had the opportunity to stroll in the mall to look for significant sale events. When we got home, I looked around my daughter’s bedroom and found a lonely Pooh bear with his Grinch hat…alone in the middle of the bed.  I wonder how it feels if we truly have an empty nest when kids have gone out to college. It must be really interesting.

Lonely Pooh Bear

Lonely Winnie the Pooh

I seldom go to my girls’ room and it made me smile when I saw this frame on the wall. It’s funny because I just heard this quote from a teen star in the TV show a few days ago, “A girl should be two things: Classy and fabulous” but then I couldn’t recall why it was familiar. Now I know why… Coco Chanel’s famous line is hanging on my daughter’s wall. I remember shopping in one of the thrift stores with my daughter over a year ago when she saw this frame and wouldn’t leave the store until I purchase it for her…and there it is in its glory 🙂

Fab girls

Classy and Fabulous

In all things Christmas, I get really excited when I receive Christmas cards by mail. I can feel the effort and the love of the person who sent it, I guess because I love doing it too. Every year, I try to send greeting cards to friends and families in time for the holiday, a tradition that I want to pass on to my daughters. I admit for being guilty of procrastination but I love it when my girls gather around the table with me and take responsibility as to who would take care of writing to specific family and friends. It’s not easy to write and think of a holiday cheer, it needs a strategy. However, amid the Christmas music, to-do list that needs to be crossed out, and other things that occupy me, it is often a challenge to cherish the cards I received. I won’t deny that I often skim quickly and look who it’s from and set them aside. But, it’s very important to choose a day to gather them all and read again.


Christmas Greeting Cards


“May the spirit of Christmas guide your heart just as the wise men were guided by the star”


A Greeting from a friend

I like to re-read them over a cup of hot chocolate in front of the fireplace. Tranquility is the key to absorb the words of inspiration and encouragement from these greeting cards when all is calm and silent.  The old fashion hand-writings and smiley faces written on the card make the moment more nostalgic. Such moment is part of the essence of Christmas where love abounds. How do you manage reading your Christmas cards from friends and family?




A New Beginning

Posted on April 6, 2015

When I was coming of age, I spent most of my days with siblings and close friends. We were very much engaged in our parish youth activities.  I grew up surrounded by people with solid belief and a family whose faith is anchored in Christ. The priest in our parish was instrumental in honing us with the foundation of Church’s teaching. One of the most important lessons I learned is to remember that Easter is the greatest feast in the Christian calendar.  I always thought it was Christmas with all the festivities around both the faithful and secular world. Nevertheless, the given explanation to youngsters with simple minds was easy to comprehend; Christmas is when we celebrate the humanity of our savior, and on Easter, we celebrate…

Beautiful Yesterdays

Posted on January 2, 2015

Yesterday was the last day of 2014 and even though I had to work, it’s ok since I’m looking forward to an almost a week off after the New Year’s Eve. Holiday time off is always rewarding. It gives us a break from the humdrum of our life’s routine. I’m so glad that I’m able to sneak out a time to post an entry in my blog space today which has been a difficult task for me this past year. As soon as I got out from work yesterday, I hurriedly drove home to start roasting a turkey that I’ll bring to a friend’s house for the eve’s party. After I set the oven for 3 hours and gave instructions to hubby and my…

Christmas with the “Thainese”

Posted on December 10, 2013

I used to plan our family’s meal menu for the week as it’s more economical and the food items in our pantry are easier to monitor. Alas! I haven’t succeeded in maintaining that task lately. The practical side of me is frequently challenged when my thought process is constantly interrupted with an avalanche of things to do which often end up unfinished. An aide ‘memoir will help I suppose. A few nights ago, I was preparing for a work report that I needed to finish. In short, I didn’t have the time to prepare our dinner. I asked the girls for ideas about dinner and they decided to have Pad-Thai noodles since we haven’t had one for a very long time. Problem solved ‘coz…

Good To Be Back

Posted on August 21, 2013

It’s been 3 days since I finished my final paper and rigorous coursework but I realized that I’ve been gone for more than a year posting from this blog. I’m finally free from deadlines and weekend targets. Currently, I’m savoring my free time with a knock and I mean sleeping all week. But admittedly, writing a paper with 3K words weekly for almost 2 years somehow has become a part of my routine and enjoyed it nonetheless (no pretensions, it’s really true!). I’m pretty sure I’ll miss the debates, team projects, and yes, the laborious case studies but it was very rewarding on retraining my brain. The downside was it took much of my time juggling with family, job, and research work 😦 ‘glad that…

A Voice Less Heard

Posted on October 5, 2012

TGIF! I couldn’t wait for the last minute to clock out and step away from my work station. After a day’s work, I finally got the chance to enjoy the rest of the day. I have nothing fancy or any sort of planned revelry to do, simply “me time” is all I want. I don’t even care to open the TV or go out to shop. I’m glad the kids are out with their dad at a school tournament (yay!) it’s really nice to have an extended solitary moment (as of this writing). I realize that ever since I started working at home some few years ago, I seldom speak to anyone face to face. I communicate alright, but it’s either through email, webinars,…

365 days…and counting!

Posted on July 20, 2012

Happy Birthday Mappytimes! Did you know that the New York Times is approaching its 161st year anniversary in a few months? But that’s not the reason why I’m celebrating; it’s about the first year “blogoversary” of Mappytimes, Yay! I began sharing my thoughts on WP on July 16, 2011 to be exact. However, I’m kind of late on my anniversary post. The anticipation to post on the precise date was completely overlooked as I was obliged by duty to accomplish the menial yet chief tasks any mother must do. WordPress…filling the void I do wear many hats; motherhood is only one of those colorful hats I love to wear. I am busy, yet here I am thrilled on the opportunity to engage with technology during my spare…

Vibrant Poppies

Posted on May 31, 2012

High-res version

As we strolled along the Poppy Hills Golf Course, the sight of vivid yellows by the parking lot captivated me. I’m referring to the beautiful Poppy flowers neatly arranged along the sidewalk with green bushes and other beauties of which complemented it.

Some facts I wanted to share: Poppy is California’s state flower. It was selected as the state flower by the California State Floral Society in December 1890, winning out over the Mariposa lily and the Matilija poppy by a landslide, but the state legislature did not make the selection official until 1903. Its golden blooms were deemed a fitting symbol for the Golden State. April 6 is designated California Poppy Day (see wiki). Wearing of poppies was once a custom in the United States as well, and attempts have been made to revive the tradition in the US in connection with Memorial Day (end of May).

No wonder this flower was chosen for the Golden State. Although it comes in different colors, its golden color fit the State’s title. We were at the golf course around mid afternoon and you can imagine how bright it was at the time of the day but glad that it was a breezy afternoon. If I was not wearing shades, the vibrant reflection that almost like the sun rays, would have hurt my eyes. Ok, it was an exaggeration but at least you get my point on the simile.


Beautiful flowers of May

Some Randomness..

Posted on May 7, 2012

High-res version

Just another manic Monday… We were on our way to arts & crafts store to get some stuff for my daughter’s project. The store is about ten minutes away from our home. I asked my hubby to put gas in the car before we go to the store and of course he agreed, but we stopped by at the video box first to drop off the movie title “we bought a zoo” that he rented the other night as it’s already due. With sky-high price of gasoline, at least it’s practical to get as much things needed to be done in order to save the trip.

As we drive along the road, a helicopter was circling around the area we were at. At first we just ignored it but after driving a few more miles we could hear an announcement from above and so we opened the window but it was starting to fade and we just continue to the gas station. While my hubby was filling the tank, here comes again the chopper and this time it was lower and louder. It did get the attention of all the motorists. I tried to listen but all I heard was the last part saying “call 911!!”

I saw my husband talking to this muscular guy wearing a green shirt who was putting gas in his bike. It appears that this guy was asking my husband on what the announcement was all about. After a few seconds, my hubby hurriedly drove us off the scene. I asked him, “what was going on with the chopper?” and he said they are alerting the people that if they see a guy wearing a green shirt and driving a bike, call 911 immediately. I gasped and looked back at the gas station. My husband and I cracked up and he said, “I know right! I thought so too but I don’t think it’s him, he was clueless and looks like he just got up from bed..oh and the race description does not fit him… I thought that was hilarious!


Posted on May 1, 2012

No, it’s not the usual acronym that’s familiar to most of you. Here’s what it’s for “Twitter, Google, Internet. and Facebook”

At the dawn of internet civilization (about 17 to 20 years ago or earlier) email was unknown to the general public. Do you remember the year your own first email was created? Mine was in 1996. I remember being amazed by browsing Netscape for the first time. I had no idea what I was doing and what kind of dimension I was in, but the amazement and fun I was having was just phenomenal. The first time I tested it was typing “Disneyland” and it showed up California Disney…fun right?   Working in a third world country and being a marketing exec in the old company I worked for, I was lucky to get an internet and email account which was quite unknown to all of us in those days. It was so cool because only a year early (1995) Jerry Yang founded YAHOO Inc. So having a corporate email was a yahoo moment to me at that time, it’s new, it’s hip and it’s different. By the way, did you know that YAHOO is an acronym? It stands for “Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle” yup and it’s not just an expression of elation just so you know.

Kids today are living and breathing with all the tech revolution. Last month at home, my family watched an old movie about the Watergate Scandal.  “All the President’s Man” was the title of the movie starred by Dustin Hoffman & Robert Redford. The interesting part of my story is that my 2 girls actually stayed and watched with us in this 1976 movie until the end. Not only that this story is part of history but also, the settings and fashion captured my kids’ interest. This is supposed to be a suspense and heart pounding discovery of Ex-President Nixon’s case but it turned out to be a comedy for the girls. They cracked up when they saw the old rotary pay-phones, amazed by the sight of type-writers, laughed at the 70s fashion and frowned at the chain-smoking Hoffman (smoking is illegal in public places here in California).

They laughed because they do not see those things anymore. They are remnants of the past and seeing them with their eyes is like riding a time machine and taking them to the world of antiquity (they don’t realize that their parents are part of that antiquity…Ouch!).

So, where are those things now? It’s all gone…the concept still exists but they transformed into different shapes, forms and dimension. Letters are now emails, telegrams are now text messages, gossips are now tweets, library is now changed to internet, and friendships can be formed through facebook. Rotary phones are now cell phones also known as “mobile” phones because it keeps you mobile while performing all the tasks that were impossible to meet once upon a time. Now, all that can be done in a matter of minutes.